Table of Contents
How To Log In
Changing your Password
Using the system
Customer List Screen
Using the Grid
The Search Utility
Advanced Search Options
Company View Screen
Edit a Company
Add A Company
Customer View Screen
Update Customer Screen
Add Customer Screen
The Wall 2 Wall contact management system cannot be used without first logging in.
Once logged in your abilities within the system will be limited by what the rights
the administrator has given you. Buttons will not show on the screen if you do not
have the right to use them. For example, if you don't have the right to delete suppliers,
you will not see the delete button on the supplier's Address Card.
How To Log In
You can log in using the Security Controls on every page header. You can also log
in using the regular log in page. Either way, you must first be logged in to be
able to see any information on the site.
If you do not have a user name, you must contact the system administrator to have
one created for you. The administrator can also give you the rights that you need
to view, edit, delete, or create new entries.
You can tell if you are logged in by looking at the login area of the page header.
If you are logged in there will be a log out button and instead of user name and
password boxes you will see the message 'Welcome [your user name]'. If you are idle
on the system for an extended period of time, you will be required to log in again
to continue what you were doing. If you were in the middle of updating or adding
information you will loose all unsaved changes to the information.
Changing your Password
There is a link in the security area of the page header that will allow you to change
your password in the system. After clicking this link you will be presented with
a screen that will allow you to change your password. You MUST know and be able
to enter your old password in order to change your password.
When you are presented with the change password page, simply enter your old password
in the first box. Then enter your new password in the next text box. In the last
text box, reenter your password to confirm that that are no typos in your password.
Then click the UPDATE button to update the password. If the old password was correct
and the new password meets the complexity rules, you will be presented with a password
change complete page. At this point you must log back in with the new password to
continue to use the system.
If you are unable to change your password, read the instructions that are presented
when you try to update. Usually that will give you a clue as to what is wrong. If
you still cannot get your password to change, contact your administrator for assistance
in changing your password.
Using the system
Customer List Screen
Using the Grid
Notice that there is a grid view showing basic information for People and Companies
that are considered our customers. There are a few things that you need to know
about this grid.
To see the detail of a particular person, click on their name:
The same goes for the company name. Simply mouse over a company name and click the
name to see the details for that company.
To sort, simply click the header of the column that you want to sort by. For example,
to sort by company name click the Company Name header. The first click on it will
sort ascending (A to Z) the second click on the same header will reverse the sort
(Z to A).
If you have the correct permissions you can use the grid to add Companies. To do
this you must first search for the company. If no company is found then you will
be presented with the add company button:
This ensures that the company does not already exist in the database. Simply click
on the New Company button and it will take you to the Add Company Screen. More information
about that screen is found in the Add Company section of this help file.
The Search Utility
To use the search utility on the customer list screen, simply fill out the text
boxes with the information that you would like to search for. For example if you
want to search from XYZ Corp then simply type in 'XYZCorp' in the Name/Company Name
text box. If you would like to limit the search to a city or a state or a zip then
type in the name of the city or state or zip in the City or State or Zip text box.
Note that most states are abbreviated in the system (ID for Idaho). If there is
something in both the Name and the City State Zip boxes then the system will search
for a company or person by that name in that location. If you want it further filtered
by type then you can use the Type drop down to select a type of person to display.
Advanced Search Options
There is a
area of the search utility that is used to select advanced options on the search.
To see the advanced options simply click the
and the advanced options will be shown. Below is the advanced options shown:
There are currently only one advanced option to select, the Match Type Option. It
has three options. They are:
Exact: This is the default way to search. If this is selected, the system
searches for EXACTLY what is typed in the text boxes. This will search with the
spaces in between the words and all. So 'Big D' in the Name box would find only
companies whose name contains exactly 'Big D' (note: upper and lower case do not
matter, it will find lowercase and uppercase matches that have 'big d' in the name)
. This option is applied to both text boxes when it is selected.
Any: This will search for ANY of the terms found in the text boxes. The words
are split apart and searched individually. So 'Big D' would find any company that
has either 'big' or 'd' in the name. The only thing to note about this is that it
still filters by the City State Zip and Type selections. So for example suppose
your search looked like this:
Notice that there is multiple search terms in the name and the City State Zip boxes.
There is also a selection in the Type drop down. This search would search for anyone
(or company) that has 'steve'
OR 'john' AND that lives in 'pocatello' OR in 'ut' AND is an
All: The All option will require that the fields
have ALL the words found somewhere in them. For example:
This finds all the entities that have both 'jim' AND 'school' in their name. Notice
that since the text box searches both Company Name and Person Name that the terms
can show up in either to be counted. This works the same way with the City State
Zip box, however I cannot think of a reason to use it there. I guess you could search
for all zips that start with 83 and that have a state of ID (that is all of ID so
I don't really know what you would be gaining there).
Company View Screen
The company view screen has a company card and a list
of employees that are contact people for that company. The company card is as shown:
It displays all the detail for the company. If you
notice there are a few link buttons on the lower right side of the card they are
Edit and Delete. If you do not have permissions to perform these actions you will
not see these links on the card. To edit the information on the card, simply click
the edit link. To delete the company completely, click the Delete button. (WARNING!!! if you delete the company
and it still has employees attached to it, you will cause problems in the database.
PLEASE delete all the contacts for the company BEFORE deleting the company).
Under the company is the employee list:
Notice that this company has more than 10 employees. To see more employees, use
the pager control at the bottom of the list. For example you could click on 2 to
see the 2nd page of results (11-20).
Also if you have the rights, you will see an 'Add a Customer' link underneath the
employees list. This is the only way to add a contact to the company. Use this link
to add a contact to the company. After clicking this link you will be presented
with the Add a Contact screen.
Edit a Company
Simply fill out the form with the updated information and click Update. If you want
to cancel the update and cancel the changes, click the Cancel button.
Add A Company
To add a company you must first use the search utility in the customer list to try
to search for the company. If the company is not found and you have the correct
privileges you will be presented with a New Company button.
Once you click that button you will be redirected to the Add Company screen. The
screen has a blank company card on it. Simply fill it out and click the Insert link
at the bottom to add the company to the database.
If you want to cancel the insert of a company in the database click the Cancel button.
Customer View Screen
The customer view screen has a customer card and the information for that customer's
To updated or delete the customer, simply use the links found at the lower right
of the customer card. To view the company that the customer works for click the
company name.
Update Customer Screen
Simply change the information in the customer card and click the Update link. Click
Cancel to cancel the edits.
Add Customer Screen
There is only one way to insert a customer into the database. You must first find
the company and look at the View Company screen. At the bottom of the screen under
the employee list that there will be an Add a Customer link.
Click that link to get to the Add a Customer Screen.
Simply fill out the card and click the Insert link. Click the Cancel link to cancel
the edits.